Stanford University: Lymphatic Slowdown Causes Fat Storage to Double!

I just bought at the newstand the magazine First for Women dated September 16, 2019 and had to share with you that Stanford University researchers discovered that a clogged lymph system stalls fat burn for 80% of women over 40.  They said that a lymphatic slowdown causes fat storage to double! This extra fat ends up on your belly, hips and thighs.

Women are losing 8 pounds every week and, according to the researchers, getting 300% more energy, 61% less anxiety and 88% less aches and pains, 44% improvement in skin appearance and 56% improvement in mood, and 88% improvement in sleep quality!  How?  By clearing blockages in the body’s most overlooked detox system.  (I would like to add that my clients typically feel less bloated, notice less fluid retention in their abdomen, reduce cellulite, relieve PMS cramps or swollen breasts (fluid retention), relieve eczema, migraines, etc. along with a host of other benefits.

I have previously mentioned in other blogs (symptoms of lymphatic congestion) including rings getting tight on your fingers, achy joints and fatigued body.  Or itchy skin, swelling, etc.  (Bloating (abdomen holding onto fluid) and swollen legs and ankles, puffy face, under eye dark circles, fatigue and digestive issues are some of the most common symptoms of my clients).  These are all signs of a congested lymphatic system which is a complex network of capillaries and vessels that help rid the body of toxins, excess fluids and fat.

Dr Bruno Chikly, M.D., D.O., director of the Lymph Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs in Arizona says “when lymph flow is slow and congested, it leads to an accumulation of body fat.  A slow lymphatic system can no longer properly transport fat where it needs to go.”   Once lymphatic fluid is moving freely, the body can burn fat and flush toxins.

The extra weight triggers inflammation which reduces lymph flow. This inflammation triggers the creation of more fat cells to store to the toxins present in stagnant lymph fluid and that makes losing weight on any diet virtually impossible.

What causes this backed up lymph system:  Toxins.  Stress.  According to lymph expert and immunulogist Jenna Macciochi, Ph.D. “stress hormones cause lymph tissue to deteriorate, so lymphatic vessels can’t drain as they should”  (I see this a lot in my clients who eat organic and exercise and do all the right things – they are in stress overload and I always know that it is what caused their stagnant lymph system and symptoms.)  Loss of muscle strength as we age also does not help (especially if one is not exercising as it is exercise that moves lymph.)

What can you do.  A healthy whole foods diet is key and can help your lymph fluid more easily along with lifestyle changes.  In a nutshell, eat brightly coloured veggies, avoid lymph clogging dairy, choose lymph friendly foods, be hydrated.  Lymph fluid is 95% water so without enough water, the fluid gets sludgy.  I always emphasize this to my clients.  The article gives a sample menu.  (If you want a copy of the entire article, please email me if you don’t get a chance to pick up the magazine at the newstand.)

Other strategies including deep belly breathing, the rebounder (mini trampoline) and sleeping on your side.

And of course, lymphatic drainage massage.  Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., author or Radical Metabolism, says that lymphatic massage is the quickest and most relaxing way to get the benefits to help your lymph move efficiently.

If you want to try out a lymphatic drainage detox massage with me, I have a first time promo – see promo page.

About vandonnasam

Reiki 2nd Degree and Spiritual Healer, Therapeutic Touch, Chakra Clearing, Certified Lymphatic Drainage Massage Practitioner Thai Massage Diploma
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